Sunday, March 9, 2008

Don't Let Them Get You With The Jedi Mind Trick

I sat in on a semi-conference a little while ago. It was interesting because it was filled with new and veteran entrepreneurs. Everyone socializing and networking. I would say it was a smart thing to do with this economy. Why not help other small and large businesses get an edge while they help you?

Anyway to get back to my story, these business types I figured for being very smart and able to look underneath the superficial layer of hype and marketing. Well they were smart in their crafts but not so much when it came to looking past marketing and seeing the true product or service for what it is. To my surprise many of them who I thought were rock solid in the common sense department were easily swayed to the darker side of the force. It was as if Darth Vader came in the room and grasp the attention of many of the business professionals with his death choke grip. Now, I have to admit there were some who didn't budge when a rep from a weight loss clinic started pitching out his marketing. Good for them for not falling for the old Jedi mind trick.

Now, for most of the populace in the US I expect to see a large amount fall for hype. Well, now I must report that even the best hustlers can be hustled. So I'm putting this warning out there for all who are wise enough to listen. Heed my words young Skywalker:

- If a sales person says his supplement or methods are backed by doctors, don't fall for it. The thing is many fitness related things are backed by quacks. Infomercials usually have some Doctor Dumbass that they paid off to come out and speak of the awesome power of whatever they are selling. I have news for you, doctors are not always correct. Doctors are not always healthy. Doctors are not always good liars.

- If a sales person gives you a testimonial about how fast a system works, don't fall for it. Many systems are out there that reduce weight fast. The key word is WEIGHT. Want to lose weight quickly, lock yourself in the closet for a day with no food or water, come out and weigh yourself....Presto! Magic for a moron. People can easily lose weight, the hard part is reducing fat while sustaining muscles and metabolism. That is where these "weight loss doctor enforced clinics" fail and pro trainers such as the guys and gals at The Fitness Road bring you success. Be smart young Jedi. Losing "weight" quickly without respect for metabolism and muscle leads to flabby skin and gaining it back before you can shoot another B12 syringe in your ass.

- If a sales person talks about data and research and blood work, they better be a doctor themselves. Only an idiot would let anyone but a doctor or nurse draw blood and attempt to analyze. If they start talking about triglyceride, glucose, and cholesterol levels dropping in the blood results, ANYTIME YOU LOSE WEIGHT THESE LEVELS DROP! Simply because there is less mass to you. Young Skywalker you need to be active daily to get the same results. Want to see rapid action on this, EAT RIGHT!

Now I have given you the power to see past the Jedi mind trick. Go and teach others who are ready to truly be fit and not just lose weight today and gain it back tomorrow.

Get more at

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