1. Go to my forum HERE
2. Register yourself for access. Chill-ax, your info is safe. I have no intentions of spamming you and it is required so you can give me feedback on the training.
3. Download either Hydra Training System or Firestarter.
4. Start the program and keep me informed on how well or how not so well it is working for you.
I created the Hydra Training System two and a half years ago. It was created for those looking for serious amounts of strength endurance. The side effects are the usual:
- fat loss
- increase in strength
- decrease chatting on the cellphone while at the gym
This program was first tested on myself,a few of my athletes, who were in need of higher threshold of endurance and the mental strength to push through the "burn"; and a few clients with morbid ideas of training. We all gained kick ass results from the testing phase and when I put the program out to the public.... generally folks loved it. The program is named Hydra Training System because ..... because its a cool name. It is very much a straight forward "linear" type of training model. Time tested and ready for use.

The second one named Firestarter was created to eliminate excuses of why a person can not train. The excuses typically revolve around time and disliking gym environments. I first tested this out with an online gaming community. Very mixed reviews for those who commented on the training. So, I worked out the kinks and created the improved version that solved all the problems. Many people still use this system because it does not get any easier and you do get decent results. No excuse training if you are interested.

There you have it my two training systems ready for you. Give one of them a shot and let me know how it works for you.
Mucho Gracias in advance
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