This is a follow up to The Sloppy Art of Hollywood Dieting Down. As I tinkered around with this diet I really felt like I was becoming a nutrition sinner. I took it to the extreme on both ends. Now, keep this in mind, I only used this diet on myself. So take it simply as that. I have not tried this on a multitude of subjects for a year or more. So far I have been toying with this dieting concept for about three months. In this entry I am just honing the diet a bit on myself. I think to really see how well a diet has the potential for working you need to try both left and right extremes as well.
Here I will illustrate I have done and how well it worked or how horrible it went wrong. At the end I will show the revised formula for the diet. This is a work in progress and remember I am only trying this on myself (and a few close friends).
Reverse the original formula:
- I feasted like a king early in the day and tapered off at night.
After eating a large meal closer to noon I found myself lethargic and unmotivated to train. Also, I retained a good amount of water. My weight did not really change but I predict if I remained on this reverse diet I would be in chubby category in a months time. A week of feeling like crap was enough for me to get off of this diet change.
Fast in the morning:
- I skipped all morning meals and ate a very light lunch then trained and feasted
Did not work for my goals
Personally I am biased against fasting. I really think it is the dumbest thing a person can do. However, I tried it for some of the day. I did lose weight and my body looked more lean. However, I looked too small. My strength took a hit as well. It seemed I could not recover from a training session as quickly as before. Also I was totally focused on food ALL BLASTED DAY! I daydreamed about what my evening food orgy would be made up of. When I did eat at night I had a stronger craving for junkfood. For me there was too much of a loss for dropping bodyfat and attempting to perserve muscle.
Cut out Protein:
Hard to say
- I did not completely cut out protein but it certainly was at a low caloric intake. No major changes in body or workout. So is there NEED for high protein consumption? Probably not.
Nightly meal with no constraints:
- The jury is still out, but I predict this will cause problems in the long run
Here followed the original formula all but one rule. I did not limit my desires for eating whatever I wanted. I literally noticed small changes in water retention off and on but nothing majorly off (with body composition). I seriously doubt if I could lose much weight eating like this but I did not gain fat either. My guilt crushed me at the end and I begin to hold back on crap and eat much better. Now I use this way on the days I will be very active.
Here are my revisions so far. If this keeps going well I'll test it out on some innocent souls and give you the results:
- Eat in the morning small meal but it is good to have vegetables or low glycemic fruits (berries). High glycemic carbs in the morning do not seem to work well for me and I get really lethargic.
- Eat an afternoon meal with a high amount of protein. Keep carbs to a minimal. Loads of vegetation if possible. I just feel so much better when I can eat high protein and vegetables for lunch. Sometimes I eat carbs here to but I keep that down. I feel the mental diffrence after eating too much carb.
- Have Pre and Post workout meals or drinks around training session. Carbs are still not necessary. Fat will work just fine.
- Take a multi-vitamin while feasting. I'm not a vitamin fan but it is good to cover my bases.
- Crap food portion of the feast can be more than the good stuff. Best to keep this type of overloading on hard training days.
Everything else I keep the same. This is still in progress though. Stay tuned.
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