Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Coming Back from Dengue Fever

 Last October I came down with Dengue Fever after getting infected by a nasty mosquito. My full on condition lasted close to 3 weeks. Funny thing is after reading about the messy pest caused disease, I had the impression I would be fully recovered. Well, here we are in March and I still have lower back pain that seemed to hit me during the fever and never left. Now I have my good days and bad and I do corrective training for lumbar, pelvic and hip area, but this nagging problem should not be a nagging problem. I have been rehabing and assessing so long I think I'm falling into the over analysis category. I'm sure I'm beginning to feel "phantom" symptoms of  different musculoskeletal syndromes. There is a point for us training types where we just do the training and try not to over emphasize total safety. Fair to say I am THERE!

 Well, time is too short to keep with the rehab work alone. I'm looking to score big before my 37th birthday this August. I want to deadlift 500lb raw before mid August. My last goal was reached a few years back. I lifted 405 lb. Learned a lot about customizing my own periodization. This time there is a new challenge. I can't aggravate the lower back. Lumbar flexion and rotation during the flexion are movements I need to avoid like it was Crossfit. Here's a run down of my current stats and basic early program:

211 lb
13.5 -14.5% BF

 I found out I am stronger at night. I also need to double up my rehab/prehab/maintenance work and I can handle this a few hours before training. I deadlift better using the "navel in" or bracing idea. Also Jim Wendler has a strong point with is training method and tend to use something along the lines of this.

SMR therapy
Stretching and Technical drill

BB Deads 3x5 (70% of 405lb)


SMR therapy

SMR therapy
Stretching and Technical drill

BB Bench 3x5 (70% of 335lb)
BB 1leg squats 3x5 each side


SMR therapy

SMR therapy
Stretching and Technical drill

BB Hang Clean 3x5 (keep it at 135lb)

SMR therapy
Stretching and Technical drill

Rim Jumps
Wall Presses

 Like I stated I like Jim Wendlers method. I also have been looking into "old school" intensity and accumulation programming. I will definitely need a short break from the intensity training to work on any trouble and do what I can to prevent any unforeseen problems that could be caused by mobility issues and muscle shortness. Each completed macrocycle I will take a four day break from all training and add a set for the following cycle. Microcycles in the intensity portion I will keep below 95% of max rep. Jim Wendler's use of this protocol is how I will go for the weekly changes
Week 1 - 3x5, Week 2 3x3, and Week 3 3x5,3,1 (and then add a set the next cycle with a maximum of 5 sets).

 Milestones for the deadlift goal is to reach 465lb as near max by June. Then have 500lb max by August. Plans will probably alter a bit as I play around with this, but I think this is a sure thing. Generally it would probably take closer to a year but I figure 6 months will be a good challenge.

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