Finally, today I have some numbers that show I am back on track and my customized rehabilitation and strength programs are working. I am now able to once again deadlift 405lb (183.7 kg) with relative ease. After the bout of Dengue I did not think my lumbar joints (low back) would be the same again. They are close enough to set a goal of deadlifting 500lb (227 kg) sometime in the late summer.
Unfortunately, my left scapula and GH (glenohumeral) area are still real issues. I made a bad decision to not give it much attention during the early stages of rehab and it only became worse. After focusing on rehabing' these areas, there is minimal pain around the scapula, superior ulna (inside side of elbow), and pectoralis minor/serratus. I have been able to bring it back to uncomfortable tension from sharp pain. However it is not enough for me to really load the surrounding muscles with a proper hypertrophy, power or max strength program. In fact, I would go as far to say hypertrophy is counter-productive, at this point. So, besides heavy deadlifting most other exercises stay at a very controlled and low weight level with very slow controlled tempos. Truly boring and draining of motivation. The bright side is in 3-4 months the joints should be ready for real hypertrophy training. I just have to stop fucking around and keep disciplined with the rehab training.
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