In order to better suit my hectic days I now train when I can. Some weeks will be once or twice and others three or four sessions. If I see the challenge coming I will alter my training session accordingly. On top of this, I am challenging myself with a sort of fasting every four days. This is something I picked up from Brad Pilon. One fast will be 24 hours on water and another one will be around 18 hours. Just thought I would throw that in and experiement a bit.
Super8 turned to super 6 definitely a strain with time today
1. Standing against wall Navel drawin in -low back stiff
2. Sahrmann Wide arm slides facing wall - left scapula area (around teres minor/major) stiff
3. Cat/Camel - low back better and left lateral hip area achy
4. Cook Toe Touch drill - no touch/ low back slightly stiff/hamstrings stiff especially left/achiness left hip when reaching towards ground
5. McGill - buttress squats - left hip achy on return- cracking lateral left knee - left heel tring to rise
6. Static lateral lunges - same as squat issues
I chose to do a modified 1leg squat throughout the day. Today was definitely a case in point. My day filled up before I knew it. So, training was cancelled and pushed off to Wednesday.
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