Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Week 1 new format for Garage Style Training

I have really been straining to find time to post what I have been up to as regards to training. Sadly most of it has been corrective boring stuff and not the ultra fun and sexy deadlifting, benching and all the other cool exercises.

 Even though it is not considered the sexy and fun side of training, I really like researching and developing programs based on exercise performance. I'm pretty sure I posted my personal performance set backs somewhere. Just in case I missed my own blog here is the list:

Right leg hip lateral rotators weak and possibly long
Possible long lumbar paraspinal muscles
Stiff and possibly shortened hip flexors
Ab performance insufficient
Quad muscles stiff
Lumbar back extensors possibly long
Rectus abs stiff and possibly short
Hip extensors short and stiff
Glute max and piriformis short and stiff
Hamstrings possibly short
Right foot peroneals too dominate slight pronated foot
Right side TFL inapropriately recruited during hip flexion
Latissumus - short
Pec Minor -short
Pec major - short
Shldr flexors -weak
Shldr anterior glide syndrome left

 Yup, that is how far I take the research. It is not necessary to get so detailed with movement, BUT it is necessary to always assess one's performance through movement and not attempt to just shoot for the possible culprit in the form of muscle. The movement test I took myself through made it pretty clear where I need to spend a lot of my corrective training. From there I was able to go after complexes of muscle.

 So, I am going to shoot for posting at the end of the week my weekly workout.

 See what happens

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