Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chance for Learning

Well really it is a time for realizing what I knew but, for whatever reason, did not put into practice. Many changes taking place since the global recession and I am in the middle of launching my new website/forum . Also I took some time to feel out what direction I really wanted to take my personal fitness endeavors. While I'm getting all this together I begin stumbling about on things I should already be doing because I already know it but just totally disregarded it (like a moron).

Right now I'm sitting at 12.5% Body Fat, a scrawny 200lbs., and more endurance than I would ever need in life. What I want is 12% - 11% BF (anything lower and I would never be disciplined enough to hold it)., 220lbs of mass on my bones and more power and medium (lactic) endurance (high endurance usually comes with the great side effect of not being able to get out of the "scrawny" rut).

Now here is what I know but have not used to get to these goals:

1. Hypertrophy training - I was getting to complicated with this. Hypertrophy is pretty simple to evoke. Simply train the muscles past the exhaustion point with enough overload so the reps are not out of control high ( I like 8RM and lower). Recover well and eat like a king. Simplistic stuff I already knew. Tons of methods out there but the premise needs to be pretty much the same.

2. Max Strength and Power - This point I just totally broke my own golden rule. If you lack the mobility in the involved joints DON'T TRAIN WITH MAX WEIGHT UNTIL YOU GOT IT!! My deads are a lot better looking now that I took the time to increase my lower body joint mobility. Also, to me, develop max lift to transition into the power lift. For instance, the deads need to be developed to transition into cleans. Soooo.... I do not lift like a "power lifter" who simply seeks to gain leverage for maximal weight. I train like an Olympic lifter looking to develop a better power clean. If you haven't witnessed both lifters you should. The deads for a powerlifter is a whole world apart from the dead for Olympic lifters.

3. SAID rules over everything- Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand can not be changed regardless what I do. My life has changed where I am know doing strenuous hikes up and down mountains daily. I also train various people and take runs with my running clients. I went from 215lb to 195lb in a matter of weeks. I fought tooth and nail to regain some mass. Still have a way to go. I feel the Michael Phelp's caloric trouble now. I have to put done at least 2700 k/cal to keep functioning and 3300 k/cal at least to maintain current muscle. Add 500 calories to that and that is what I need if I want to gain. My body is now geared to high endurance climbing activities. I am trying to change it to a bigger more powerful thing. SAID principle says hell no.... not without changing the demand of high endurance my life currently has. DAMN YOU SAID!

Learning to go back and review what I know and actually apply it. I'm sure I'll remember more as time goes on

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