Really I should say things that work for myself and my clients. I just put together a list of what I have learned in my many years as a trainer. I either learned these things by being successful or something failed miserably. All I know is this stuff works for me so far and it has been close to a decade now since I really have been full time training. So here is my list from my success and mistakes with fitness:
In no particular order
1. If you're going to a training program or diet do it all the way. We definitely cling to what persuades us the most regardless if the idea or method is right or wrong. Add a celebrity to a training system or diet and suddenly it is the holy gospel. Whatever fitness idea persuades you make sure you REALLY do it by following the protocols and lasting through the duration of it. Then you can judge from there. Most systems work at least partially.
2. Sleep is essential for dropping fat and maintaining overall health. More sleep before the strike of midnight the better, Cinderella.
3. High protein diets with low carbs still are the best diets for fat loss and maintenance of muscle. The closer you stay to just protein source and vegetables the better. Make sure to really load up on the vegetation.
4. 6 packs are genetics, diet, and cardio. Generally a person needs to be at or below 11% body fat to be this ripped. You can do an infinite number of crunches on a nice baby blue swiss ball and never see the six pack if your fat percentage is too high. Even this is not a guarantee if your genetics are not quite up to par for having a sixpack.
5. The better your support group is the more successful you will be at most challenges. Hang out with people opposing your goals or success and you will most likely fall short. So ditch the loser friends (kidding...slightly).
6. Doing any exercise past the point of exhaustion will generally push the body to hypertrophy (build muscle mass). Whether you use lots of weight with low reps or baby weight with super high reps, they body will adapt by developing more mass. Big muscular thighs can come from heavy barbell squats or come from spin class.
7. As we age we lose the ability to move fast, jump, and upkeep basic functional ROM (range of motion). So train with speed in mind and maximal strength for the reps you use to hold these effects at bay. That means leave the fluorescent dumbbells alone.
8. When training Olympic lifts have the patience and wisdom to train the body up to par before going for it (progress). Nothing worse than a crappy CF style clean and jerk.
9. A person will burn more calories exercising in either the standing or plank position (pushup position). So when going for fat loss use these body positions A LOT.
10. Drinking a protein shake or eating a handful of nuts will help to curve the appetite before going out to eat or grocery shopping. So you don't feel crushed by not ordering the the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream sundae and a slice of mocha cheesecake. Oh, I've been there.
11. Marathon wannabes and long distance joggers should look at the posture of the elite class long distance runners and attempt to mimic while out running so you don't "plod around and end up getting a bonehead injury".
12. Never miss a workout because you are pushing for time. Do something in the timeframe you have. Something is most definitely better than nothing and that is what my downloadable program Firestarter is all about. No more excuses. Just friggin' do it!
13. The first three weeks of being consistent will be your hardest. If you make it past that you will continue to push.
14. People who hire a trainer or keep a journal of their training and body composition are generally more consistent than most and will more likely succeed.
15. Read one article a day from different fitness and medical sources and you will be smarter than most bonehead personal trainers in this overcrowded industry.
16. Do not attempt to train body parts like a bodybuilder (unless you are a bodybuilder). Best way is to train the movements (i.e. push, pull, full body push (think squats) and full body pulls (think deadlift)).
17. "Raise your sail one foot and you get ten feet of wind". Motion is what the body is created for and it creates emotion. Meaning you have to get started to be successful and be motivated. Don't spend too much time B.S.ing around with over-planning and buying supplements and cool tight shirts. Start moving and you will learn along the way. Success is contagious and motivating. So do it and move always forward!
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