Monday, January 18, 2010

8 Weeks Left

I have about 8 -10 weeks left in my year periodization for training. My goals were pretty simple.

- Drop to 12% BF - I did and found out I can really maintain a low bodyfat when I focus more high levels of activity and recovery. Also found out when I just make sure I'm eating decent for my goals I don't need to count the calories or get crazy with macronutrient percentages. I'm sure that this would help, but I am definitely not a bodybuilder type, so I don't measure and calculate....just chew.

- Increase Max Strength - I did BUT I found if I go too far I end up losing too much. I lost a lot of strength with my deadlift and now I'm looking to get it back.

- Maintain a more alactic/lactic dominant energy system - Failed at this one. My environment demands my energy system be dominated by lactic/aerobic. No biggie.

- Increase power potential - A very deceiving trait. I did in some areas but lost it in others. I think I gained the potential but actually being able to use it.... that is quite another issue in itself.

Now I am wrapping up this training design. I am going to work my way up to a point of "over-reach" training. Over-reach phases are tricky. You really need to be aware of all your problems before starting. However, when you start it all these problems must be pushed to the back corner of your mind and you drive forward into the over-reach training program with a "fuck it...I can't be stopped" type of attitude.

For me I will do this for 1 week of training. The final week. My year ending goals are a higher standard so I have to rise to the challenge.

1. Drop to 11% BF
2. Deadlift 405lb "raw"

I try to get video of the training sessions in the final week.

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