Alright for this final stretch here I'm going to need to sharpen my nutrition intake a bit. Loads of partying over the holidays has placed me at approx 13.5 - 14.5% BF. I was at 12% but no longer. Now I want 11%. I'm going to just follow this hybrid guideline. Some of it is my experience. Some of it is from other coaches. Some is just experimental.
- Keep my nutrition logged at least every other day on Fit Day. If I end up eating the same stuff day in and day out even less logging is necessary. You can see my log here
- Keep to the basic guidelines 90% of the time and 100% for the first week. I agree with bodybuilding types who state the less you have the cheat the less you think about it. Therefore the less you will be inclined to rip open a box of chocolate chip cookies.
- High protein diet. The only way to go. I'll start at 1 - 1.5 g per body lb. I may end up at 2g by the end.
- All carbs minimized. I just want vegetables for carbs. Fruit is fine around workouts. Everything else is a cheat even the brown organic high antioxidant low H1N1 pasta or rice stuff.
- Cheats can't be anymore than the low calories of a normal snack meal. So no more than 200-300 k/cal per cheat. No back to back cheats.
- Increase water to about 6-8 liters daily. I'm around 5 liters now.
- Vegetation until I turn green. Just load it up. Right now I'm using a green supplement hopefully that will change.
Shouldn't take too long.
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