Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nutrition for Last 8 Weeks

 Alright for this final stretch here I'm going to need to sharpen my nutrition intake a bit. Loads of partying over the holidays has placed me at approx 13.5 - 14.5% BF. I was at 12% but no longer. Now I want 11%. I'm going to just follow this hybrid guideline. Some of it is my experience. Some of it is from other coaches. Some is just experimental.

  1. Keep my nutrition logged at least every other day on Fit Day. If  I end up eating the same stuff day in and day out even less logging is necessary. You can see my log here 
  2. Keep to the basic guidelines 90% of the time and 100% for the first week. I agree with bodybuilding types who state the less you have the cheat the less you think about it. Therefore the less you will be inclined to rip open a box of chocolate chip cookies.
  3. High protein diet. The only way to go. I'll start at 1 - 1.5 g per body lb. I may end up at 2g by the end.
  4. All carbs minimized. I just want vegetables for carbs. Fruit is fine around workouts. Everything else is a cheat even the brown organic high antioxidant low H1N1  pasta or rice stuff.
  5. Cheats can't be anymore than the low calories of a normal snack meal. So no more than 200-300 k/cal per cheat. No back to back cheats.
  6. Increase water to about 6-8 liters daily. I'm around 5 liters now.
  7. Vegetation until I turn green. Just load it up. Right now I'm using a green supplement hopefully that will change.
 As far as calories go, I calculate I will need at least 2100 k/cal to keep basic bodily functions functioning and shouldn't go above 3300 k/cal. Since I need to sustain as much muscle as possible, I'm going to drop the max calories to about 10% less and stay there (3000).

 Shouldn't take too long.

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