After yesterday's assessment and training session I have found some "hiccups" I have to address, before I get into any heavy lifting. I used a modified FMS assessment. I find it is the most simplistic and quite possibly the most useful while being so simple. I've been using this assessment screen guideline for nearly a decade now (names probably changed a few times). I combine this with APRE system I read about in Mel Siff's Supertraining book. I have taken both systems and modified them to make them more useful for my needs.
When I get around to it, I will write my process for handling assessment of the major joints and surrounding muscles (and other connective tissue).
I did pretty bad in all the FMS screening. This is not from simple muscle weakness or not having the "drive" to get'er done. Most likely there are mild to serious underlining dysfunctions about the joints. I lean towards milder problems. Usually with a serious issue comes the related pain sensation. Not saying there was no pain but there was no... PAIN!
Here's the run down of the problems I found during my assessment for the upper body:
Latissmus dorsi short
Pec minor/major short
Shoulder flexion muscles weak
Internal Oblique weakness
Anterior superior glide of humeral head mainly with left shoulder during shoulder flexion extension patterns.
Lateral rotator muscles stiff
In layman's terms I have been sitting down behind a desk too much. Eye opening to see what effects five months of desk posture has on my body. I'm sure some issues were already there in a very mild form and getting into bad habits just amplified them. I would list the lower body stuff but it's a bit too much and I don't feel like it.
So, I have a lot of fixing to do. This is a setback for getting into grunt evoking hard training but if I want to do it right and not get foolishly injured I have to take care of it. It would be a different story if I was an athlete with a big contract. I would probably push through the problems then, but I will do it the right way. Here's the corrective exercises and the next round of APRE assessing:
Foam Roll Calves, and thighs
Trisets 2x10
1a. Supine Bent knee shoulder flexion drill
1b. Supine shoulder flexion static with 1 leg alternating knee tuck to hip extension
1c. Supine Shoulder press with dowel
2a. Prone 1 Leg curl and hold with towel
2b. Kneeling Hip Flex/Quad/Calf Static stretch
2c. Prone Alternating hip extension
3a. Toe Touches
3b. Active hip flex and latissmus stretch
3c. Static latissmus stretch
APRE assessment Day2
1. Pullups
2. Dips
3. Cable pulldown
4. DB Lateral Lunge (weight on shoulders)
5. Jack knife
6. DB Calf raises
7. Pushups
8. Sumo BB deadlift
9. Supine DB Tri extensions
10. BB Bentover rows
Ha, almost forgot about the Super 8 drills. Since, I now have a focus for corrective work, I will build the Super 8 from this:
1. Supine Shoulder rotations
2. 1 leg bridges
3. Dowel Shoulder press
4. Kneeling Hip Flexor/Quad/Calf active
5. Trunk Curls
6. Pec stretch with hip rotation
7. Alternating Leg raises
8. Squats with touchdown
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