Monday, July 14, 2014

Bulking Up Issues

Sometime around this Xmas holiday I will be bulking up a bit. I would imagine optimally that is putting on 2-5 lb ( .4 - 2.25 kg) of LEAN mass. This is actually a tough thing to do without putting on the unnecessary and stubborn fat. A lot of fitness supplement brands and overly-marketing trainers will argue it is possible to put on lots of muscle within a short time. Not much to back up the claims....sometimes photoshop'd testimonials.
  I do still here the talk of "overloading" the digestive system with an obscene amount of calories to get big. I would imagine big is a synonym for fat and unhealthy. A good perspective for this madness I heard from "Iron Radio" podcast. I can't pinpoint the episode but they have an interesting point of view on powerlifters and bodybuilders overdosing with calories at certain points. Definitely do not agree with them but they make strong points.

 Brad Pilon put out a blog post that I feel I couldn't write any better about bulking. Even though this entry is specific to fasting it has very good points of how I see bulking should be managed. Check it out here:

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