Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Water Intake

Here are a few links to water intake and the bottom line from each source:

Healthy general pop guys 3 liters of water daily
Healthy general pop vimmen 2.2 liters of water daily
 Active folks just keep adding on the cups with each activity. If you are a marathon runner....good luck.

Getting very specific with the effects of training and the need for re-hydration. A good place for basic equations to customize water needs for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Bonus here....can't talk about water without mentioning the bodybuilder water and tuna diet. Get shredded quick if you are a healthy weightlifting guy or gal looking to see what you can do with 3 days of hell. If you are out of shape and never been to the gym and eat crap all day, you probably will die from this. So don't read it.
Straight from Dave Draper

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