Monday, June 3, 2013

Seeking refuge for my training journal

 Hate to bore you with post about my daily workouts, BUT I will until I find a decent online forum to track my progress. So, this may or may not be a permanent fixture to my blogging. I have removed my forum for training. It was becoming harder and harder to keep the spam B.S. to a bare minimum. I am semi-actively looking for a half decent forum.

 This week I am back to logged workouts. The last few weeks I did timed interval training for 20-45 minutes plus "Super 8" daily drills. I am also looking back into writings and vids from other pros out there. Constantly researching keeps me on the consistent path.

 Thus far:

 Foam roll and stretch for morning session.

 My Super 8 today:
1. Supine Medial Shoulder Adduction to Lateral Shoulder Abduction (looks something like laying on your back doing arm raises into "snow angels")
2. Bridges to alternating knee tucks
3. Plank to Hip Flex and dorsiflex (downward dog)
4. Supine Crossleg hip rotation with Chest active stretch
5. Calf Active Stretch pattern
6. Cook Calf/Quad/Hip Flexor Stretch
7. 1Leg 1Arm Hip hinge to toe touch
8. Bench Dips

 This evening I have a long assessment ahead of me. Looks something like this:

 Modified Cook Assessment (or FMS)
 I modified the assessment to be able to do this without a partner
1. Arms Overhead Squat Assess
2. Hurdle Step
3. In Line Split Squats
4. Shoulder
5. Leg Raise

 Modified Mel Siff Muscle and Movement assessment (APRE)
1. DB Standing Shoulder Press
2. DB Upright Rows
3. Straight Leg Situp
4. DB Front Squats
5. DB Bentover Rows
6. DB Bench Press
7. DB Curls
8. DB Lunges
9. DB Floor Flies
10. DB RDL

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